The Intersection of Marketing Execution and AI: Where the Real Value Lies

In today’s fast-paced marketing world, success isn’t just about having a great strategy—it’s about executing it with precision and speed. This is where Marketing AI steps in, transforming how businesses approach execution and maximize results.

By |2025-02-06T16:25:09+01:006 February 2025|News|Comments Off on The Intersection of Marketing Execution and AI: Where the Real Value Lies

ISO 27001 recertified

Great to see that we have once again successfully completed the ISO27001 audit and that we are now certified against the latest ISO27001 standard.

By |2025-02-05T13:11:10+01:005 February 2025|News|Comments Off on ISO 27001 recertified

Introducing The Marketing Package: Your Ultimate Solution for Brand-Perfect Web Banners

In today’s fast-paced digital world, maintaining a consistent brand identity across all marketing channels is crucial. That’s why we’re excited to introduce The Marketing Package, the ultimate online solution for brand owners to generate web banners in all required dimensions, ensuring 100% alignment with your brand and campaign guidelines.

By |2025-01-21T13:29:21+01:002 January 2025|News|Comments Off on Introducing The Marketing Package: Your Ultimate Solution for Brand-Perfect Web Banners

Struggling to display all your products online in time?

Phomas is here to help. The cloud SaaS platform Phomas is specially developed to manage large volumes of product photography and automate as many steps as possible within the creation process! The images can be automatedly distributed after passing quality control. This benefits internal systems such as ERP, PIM, and DAM systems, as well as B2B sales tools and other software applications. Phomas organizes, provides insight, and automates!

By |2024-08-26T10:02:02+02:0026 August 2024|News|Comments Off on Struggling to display all your products online in time?


One of the features in AssetFlow 4 is "Collections". Through collections, a selection of assets included in the DAM system can be grouped. End-users can then easily order an entire collection or specific assets from that collection. This makes it easier for users to find the assets they need. To deploy directly on social media or their own online platform, or as a basis for locally produced content.

By |2024-08-23T10:22:33+02:0023 August 2024|News|Comments Off on Collections

AssetFlow 4, the production DAM!

With the innovation AssetFlow 4, Linx IT Solutions is taking another big step towards simplifying marketing production processes. AssetFlow 4 not only has all the functionality of a Dam, but it is also a Production DAM! Clients profit from the far-reaching integrated conversion module, so that different image sizes and proportions can be generated fully automatically. This feature is particularly interesting for generating product images that must meet the specifications of the various marketplaces and partner sites.

By |2024-08-16T09:27:51+02:0016 August 2024|News|Comments Off on AssetFlow 4, the production DAM!

BannerBuilder, when speed and quality matter to you

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency and quality are paramount. Last week, we evaluated the impact of our BannerBuilder tool for one of our clients. This online application empowers authorized users, marketers from the central organization, country offices, and partners, to create their own web banners, in-store campaign materials, and OOH campaign materials, with immediate download availability.

By |2024-08-02T13:33:30+02:002 August 2024|News|Comments Off on BannerBuilder, when speed and quality matter to you

Catalogue on demand

Catalogue on demand. Online may have taken off enormously, but several industries still choose to publish printed catalogues. And once that printed version of the catalogue is available, it is a small effort to make a browsable version of it available as a PDF online or as a download. Many catalogues were produced centrally due to the high production costs. But the current online possibilities mean that local production can be realized at affordable costs.

By |2024-07-22T12:02:04+02:0022 July 2024|News|Comments Off on Catalogue on demand

Release: Product Control Center 1.5

Exciting news in the retail tech world! Retailware’s latest update to the Product Control Center (PCC) is a game-changer for retailers and marketers alike. The enhanced PCC now supports media channel-specific copywriting and image management, streamlining the creation process for web banners, catalogs, and brochures.

By |2024-07-19T13:22:25+02:0012 June 2024|News|Comments Off on Release: Product Control Center 1.5

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely access multiple applications and services using one set of credentials, eliminating the need to remember different passwords for each service.

By |2024-07-19T09:59:00+02:0019 April 2024|News|Comments Off on Single Sign-On (SSO)
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