Linx IT Solutions provides its customers with a solution and not just a software application
A solution to achieve an objective in which automation is often an important, but not always the most important part of that solution.
Among other things, it may be necessary to make procedural changes on the customer side (change management). Also external suppliers can be connected to the software. Where necessary, our operational support team supports the client, ensuring continuity and sharing knowledge. And finally, as a group, we offer the opportunity to take responsibility for the entire production chain.
This requires in-depth knowledge of the customer organization, optimal customer contact and involvement of our employees to monitor and guarantee our customer’s objectives.
Star in pictures
You can easily organize product photography and image editing with Phomas, our unique photo management solution. In e-commerce and marketing, it often involves large amounts of images. Thanks to Phomas, these can be automatically delivered in the desired format for different applications and media channels. Internally and externally. Fast and controlled.
Full power for retail content
Retailware has been specially developed for retail organizations to speed up and simplify their marketing communication. Retailware helps the central marketing organization with the efficient and controllable production of central content. In addition, Retailware empowers local entrepreneurship, allowing them to generate any time local content matching the brand identity.
Retailware’s cloud-based platform offers various modules that support your commercial goals.

As of October 2024, the European NIS2 Directive is expected to be transposed into national regulations. From that moment on, companies that meet the criteria must comply with the NIS2 regulations. But it is expected that these companies will impose the same requirements on their suppliers in connection with chain liability. So even though you don’t have to comply with NIS2 according to the rules, it is wise to prepare for it!
Linx IT Solutions is a supplier of, an application that helps companies with the implementation of the NIS2 standard, among other things, and with the maintenance of the resulting obligations.

The European regulatory burden is becoming increasingly important. The current reality forces us to take precautions and to have and keep our business processes in order and as safe as possible! Our consultants have years of experience in translating questions from the business into online solutions. Our Human Driven Architecture is central to this. By making it as easy as possible for end users, they will actually want to use online solutions that take an important step in continuity, availability, security and privacy.
The added value of generative AI in marketing communication tools
Linx IT Solutions is specialist on data-driven publishing which is based on two principles:
- deciding on the basis of data which content is generated at what time
- generating content using predefined templates
Data enrichment is an important element. Retailware offers marketing employees the tools to write / adjust channel-specific copy so that an optimal conversion for various media can be realized. Phomas offers eCommerce teams the ability to organize large amounts of product photography and automatically deliver it to various media channels. Efficient, fast and controlled!
In this way, the involvement of the Linx team guarantees optimal use of the solutions that Linx IT Solutions offers its customers, in the initiation, production and execution phases.
Seeing is believing
We would like to show you what Linx IT Solutions can do for your business. We will answer your questions about the features of our solutions and support with examples from our practice. With a live demo, we can let you experience the power of our solutions. Our experts are happy to help you on your way to a more successful business.