22 juli 2024 

/ door Rob Hill

Catalogue on demand
Online may have taken off enormously, but several industries still choose to publish printed catalogues. And once that printed version of the catalogue is available, it is a small effort to make a browsable version of it available as a PDF online or as a download.
Many catalogues were produced centrally due to the high production costs. But the current online possibilities mean that local production can be realized at affordable costs.
The more tailored to the target group, the more useful a catalogue is and the more it will be consulted!
With its online CatalogBuilder, Retailware offers a unique solution for the local production of catalogues. Whether these are for a specific store chain, for a group of franchisees or a country organization, your own unique catalog can easily be compiled online. Do you want specific expenses with offers? Then BrochureBuilder is the solution. BrochureBuilder is based on Offer Control Center, an application that allows users to build their local offers. With a simple drag & drop interface, the offer can be placed on a leaflet or brochure page.
From the central organization, the products and offers are fed automatically. This requires an integration with Product Control Center. For offers, copywriting for a specific advertisement is organized online. Catalog on Demand and Brochure on Demand, your local catalogue or promotional leaflet/brochure compiled entirely online at any time you want.
Are you interested and do you want to know more about how these online applications can be used for your organization? Contact Amber Kok a.kok@linx-it.nl she will be happy to help you!